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421 lines
* mig.h --
* Declarations of structures, constants, and procedures to manage
* the global database of host load averages and uptimes.
* Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* $Header: /sprite/src/lib/include/RCS/mig.h,v 1.15 90/05/16 11:51:27 douglis Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _MIG
#define _MIG
#include <fs.h>
* We keep track of 1, 5, and 15-minute load averages in the database.
* We sample the load every MIG_LOAD_INTERVAL seconds and update it
* in the global daemon's database at least every MIG_GLOBAL_UPDATE_INTERVAL
* seconds. A host is considered "down" if it hasn't updated within
* MIG_TIMEOUT seconds.
* Constants affecting how hard and how often processes will try to
* contact the global daemon. A process should sleep 1 second, try
* again, and then double the time it sleeps until it has tried
* MIG_DAEMON_RETRY_COUNT times. 2**5 is just about 30 seconds.
* Host states:
* MIG_HOST_ACTIVE - Host has active user, or a high load from
* local processes.
* MIG_HOST_IDLE - Host is completely idle, with no foreign
* processes.
* MIG_HOST_PART_USED - Host is being used by some processes,
* but still has capacity for foreign procs.
* MIG_HOST_FULL - Host is completely used by the highest
* priority processes but would otherwise
* accept foreign processes.
* MIG_HOST_REFUSES - Host refuses all migrations.
* MIG_HOST_DOWN - Host is not running or is unreachable.
* These states are associated with hosts; processes have priorities
* based on the ones defined in proc.h (PROC_HIGH/NORMAL/LOW_PRIORITY),
* but 0-based. We also define a constant for indexing among these priorities.
#define MIG_HOST_IDLE 1
#define MIG_HOST_FULL 3
#define MIG_HOST_DOWN 5
* For each machine, keep track of the timestamp for its information, various
* load averages, and info about idle time and foreign processes.
* The following structures define the way this information is used.
* A Mig_LoadVector is the load information that varies from time to time.
* This info is updated by the loadavg daemons and may be used by widgets or
* other programs that periodically sample the load average. Other information
* is more static -- it won't change after a host boots, or it changes
* independent of the loadavg daemon (for example, when a host is used
* for migration).
* *
* Changes to the structures in this file must also be reflected in *
* the Fmt format strings used by the migration server. *
* *
typedef struct {
int timestamp; /* when info last updated */
int noInput; /* time since last input */
int allowMigration; /* host allowing migration? */
int foreignProcs; /* total number of foreign
processes recorded
by kernel */
int utils[MIG_NUM_LOAD_VALUES]; /* avg utilizations (in %) */
int pad; /* pad structures */
double lengths[MIG_NUM_LOAD_VALUES]; /* avg ready-queue lengths */
} Mig_LoadVector;
typedef struct {
int hostID; /* host for which info valid */
int bootTime; /* when host last rebooted */
int migVersion; /* migration version level of
kernel */
int maxProcs; /* maximum number of foreign
processes */
int foreign[MIG_NUM_PRIORITIES];
/* number of foreign
jobs currently assigned to this
host, for each priority */
int state; /* state of the host w.r.t.
migration: see above. */
int pad[4]; /* for future expansion */
Mig_LoadVector loadVec; /* updated periodically by loadavg
daemon */
} Mig_Info;
* Define structures and constants for interfacing with the daemons using
* pdevs.
* IOControls for communication between Mig lib and global migration daemon
* IOC_MIG_GETINFO - return Mig_Info for one or more hosts.
* IOC_MIG_GETIDLE - get idle host(s).
* IOC_MIG_DONE - return idle host(s) to free pool.
* IOC_MIG_KILL - remove load value(s) from database.
* IOC_MIG_DAEMON - flags process as a loadavg daemon
* and initializes load information.
* IOC_MIG_CHANGE - daemon is changing host status.
* IOC_MIG_GET_PARAMS - get system parameters.
* IOC_MIG_SET_PARAMS - set system parameters (must be root).
* IOC_MIG_GET_STATS - get statistics.
* IOC_MIG_GET_UPDATE - get update on host availability.
* IOC_MIG_EVICT - force all processes to be evicted.
* IOC_MIG_RESET_STATS - reset statistics.
* For requesting information about host statuses. Returns the number
* of hosts for which information is returned, followed by an array of
* Mig_Info structures. The data returned are not aligned as though
* they were in a structure; therefore, the caller may need to bcopy
* from a character buffer into a structure to make use of the data.
* The normal interface to get this info is via the library routine
* Mig_GetAllInfo or Mig_GetInfo, which get the Mig_Info structures
* for many hosts or a single host, respectively [due to historical
* reasons].
typedef struct {
int firstHost; /* ID of first host requested. */
int numRecs; /* Number of entries requested. */
} Mig_InfoRequest;
* For requesting idle hosts. Returns the number of hosts assigned followed
* by the numeric identifiers of the hosts.
typedef struct {
int numHosts; /* Number of hosts requested. */
int flags; /* Flags, defined below. */
int priority; /* Priority of processes, defined above. */
int virtHost; /* Virtual host of process making request. */
} Mig_IdleRequest;
* Flags for foreign processes:
* MIG_PROC_RELOCATE - Wish to relocate if evicted.
* MIG_PROC_AGENT - Request is on behalf of another process.
* Do not reclaim host because process that
* makes the request closes its connection.
#define MIG_PROC_RELOCATE 0x0001
#define MIG_PROC_AGENT 0x0002
* For returning idle hosts to the pool, or removing hosts from the database,
* An array of hostIDs is passed. In each case, nothing is returned.
* MIG_ALL_HOSTS indicates that the operation should be performed for
* all hosts (either hosts in use for migration, or every host in the database,
* respectively). Hosts are reclaimed implicitly if the process closes the
* pdev talking to the server (including if it exits).
#define MIG_ALL_HOSTS 0
* For getting updates to host availability. The caller is responsible
* for making as many ioctls as needed until the stream is not selectable,
x * since only a single update is transferred with each ioctl. (Normally
* only one is necessary.)
* There is no input for this ioctl. The output is an integer specifying
* a host that is no longer available, or 0, indicating that a new
* host is available and IOC_MIG_GET_IDLE should be used to get a new
* host.
* GET_STATS returns a structure, defined below. RESET_STATS takes and
* returns no arguments.
* Define the structure used to maintain statistics for migration. Note
* that changes to these structures must be reflected in the byte-swapping
* constants used by the migration daemon.
* Define the maximum number of architecture types we'll
* keep statistics about, and statistics that are kept track of on a
* per-machine-type basis.
* MIG_MAX_ARCH_TYPES - maximum number of architectures managed by migd.
* - This can be increased, but only by complicating
* the interface to obtain statistics so it can
* transfer the buffer in pieces.
* MIG_MAX_ARCH_LEN - maximum length of a string used in stats.
* MIG_MAX_HOSTS_DIST - maximum number of hosts in a request that we'll keep
* track of (i.e. last element of array is this many
* or more).
* MIG_INTERVAL_PERIOD - number of seconds between incrementing counters
* MIG_STATS_VERSION - version of statistics structure, to catch
* inconsistencies.
#define MIG_MAX_ARCH_LEN 12
* Statistics that are kept as a sum and as a sum of squares (for standard
* deviation). The ones that are likely to overflow are kept as two
* integers and a macro is used to add to them.
typedef struct {
unsigned int requested; /* Number of hosts requested. */
unsigned int obtained; /* Number of hosts obtained. */
unsigned int evicted; /* Number of hosts taken back from
client due to eviction. */
unsigned int reclaimed; /* Number of hosts taken back from
client due to other causes
(e.g., fairness). */
unsigned int timeUsed; /* Total time before returning hosts,
in seconds. */
unsigned int timeToEviction; /* Total time before evictions occur. */
unsigned int hostIdleObtained[2]; /* Idle time of hosts obtained when
assigned, in minutes. */
unsigned int hostIdleEvicted[2]; /* Idle time of hosts at time they are
assigned, just for those hosts that
later evict processes. */
unsigned int idleTimeWhenActive[2]; /* The amount of time hosts were idle
when they became non-idle. */
unsigned int hostCounts[MIG_NUM_STATES]; /* Number of hosts in each
state. */
int pad[2]; /* Pad to double-word boundary. */
} Mig_StatTotals;
typedef struct {
char arch[MIG_MAX_ARCH_LEN]; /* String representation of machine
type. */
unsigned int numClients; /* Number of processes requesting
hosts. */
unsigned int gotAll; /* Number of processes getting as
many hosts as requested. */
unsigned int requestDist[MIG_MAX_HOSTS_DIST + 1];
/* Distribution of maximum number of
hosts requested. */
unsigned int obtainedDist[MIG_MAX_HOSTS_DIST + 1];
/* Distribution of maximum number of
hosts obtained. */
unsigned int nonIdleTransitions; /* Number of times hosts went from
idle to non-idle. */
Mig_StatTotals counters; /* Counters of different types of
operations, cumulative. */
Mig_StatTotals squared; /* Sum of Squares of above counters
(for calculating std. dev.). */
} Mig_ArchStats;
typedef struct {
unsigned int version; /* Version number of the daemon. */
unsigned int checkpointInterval; /* Interval for checkpointing (and
incrementing counters). */
unsigned int firstRun; /* Time when statistics first started
gathering. */
unsigned int restarts; /* Number of times the daemon
restarted. */
unsigned int intervals; /* Number of intervals over which
statistics have been gathered. */
unsigned int maxArchs; /* Maximum number of architecture
types we know about. */
unsigned int getLoadRequests; /* Number of times clients asked for
load info. */
unsigned int totalRequests; /* Total number of times hosts were
requested. */
unsigned int totalObtained; /* Total number of times hosts were
assigned. */
unsigned int numRepeatRequests; /* Number of times the requesting host
was the same as the previous
request. */
unsigned int numRepeatAssignments; /* Number of times the same
<physical,virtual> host pair was
assigned twice in a row. */
unsigned int numFirstAssignments; /* Number of assignments that were
to hosts that hadn't been assigned
to anyone since going idle.*/
Mig_ArchStats archStats[MIG_MAX_ARCH_TYPES]; /* Per-architecture stats. */
} Mig_Stats;
* IOC_MIG_KILL - sends int.
* IOC_MIG_DAEMON - sends Mig_Info structure.
* IOC_MIG_CHANGE - sends int.
* IOC_MIG_EVICT - receives int.
* Define the parameters used by the migration daemons. This can be
* updated or obtained via an ioctl. If the global daemon is updated
* then it notifies the other daemons to retrieve the new parameters.
* One can also connect to the local daemon and modify the info for a
* particular host. The migration version and criteria are not
* broadcast from the global server.
* The criteria for allowing migration, unless overridden, are idle
* time (noInput) and ready queue lengths. If we are not allowing
* foreign processes, but our time since last input is greater than
* noInput and our average queue lengths are ALL less than the
* corresponding values in min, start accepting foreign processes. If
* we are allowing foreign processes and either the idle time drops or
* ANY of the average queue lengths exceeds its corresponding value in
* max, stop accepting them.
typedef struct {
int criteria; /* Whom to allow, and when
(c.f. proc.h). */
int version; /* Migration version. */
int noInput; /* Idle time needed. */
int pad; /* Fill out to doubleword. */
double minThresh[MIG_NUM_LOAD_VALUES]; /* Minimum load before
becoming idle */
double maxThresh[MIG_NUM_LOAD_VALUES]; /* Maximum load before
refusing migrations once
idle. */
} Mig_SystemParms;
* Declare the global variables that refer to the pdevs used.
extern int mig_GlobalPdev;
extern int mig_LocalPdev;
extern Mig_Info * Mig_GetInfo();
extern int Mig_GetAllInfo();
extern int Mig_GetIdleNode();
extern int Mig_OpenInfo();
extern int Mig_UpdateInfo();
extern int Mig_Done();
extern int Mig_ConfirmIdle();
extern int Mig_DeleteHost();
extern int Mig_Evict();
extern char * Mig_GetPdevName();
extern int Mig_OpenPdev();
#endif /* _MIG */